Employers can be swayed by statistics and averages: RN to BSN Programs in Mississippi

Why might you, as an ADN or diploma nurse, consider completing your baccalaureate degree? The reasons will vary according to who you talk to! The American Association of Colleges of Nursing has long held the baccalaureate as the standard for professional nursing. Part of the issue is the growing complexity of healthcare, and part come down to basic patient safety. Multiple studies have found correlations between the percentage of baccalaureate nurses employed by a facility and the facility’s mortality rates. This is one reason that the AACN and ANA are making a strong call to action: Nurses should complete their baccalaureate degrees and governmental organizations and employers should support them in their quest to do so.

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The fact is, you may be an excellent nurse with an ADN or a diploma. Still, employers are swayed by statistics and averages. Some positions are reserved for those with the higher degree. If you want career mobility, a BSN may aid you. Many nurses seek additional degrees because they want promotions or new opportunities.

What is included in a BSN program that you may not have had the opportunity to learn the first time around? As an RN to BSN student, you can expect to learn heath assessment, pathophysiology, and nursing theory. Healthcare policy, client care management, public health, and nursing leadership round out your studies. There may be a final capstone project and you may have the opportunity to complete several practicum experiences in areas like public health. You can generally arrange to complete them in healthcare facilities near your home.

BSN Career Mobility in Mississippi

Job prospects for nurses are good right now in the South; still a BSN can take you further up the career ladder. Positions for nurse managers and nurse directors tend to request the higher degree. In Mississippi, a BSN and experience may take you as far as Director of Emergency Room or Director of Women’s Services.

Some employers prefer baccalaureate degrees for a wide range of clinical nursing positions. Among the largest and best known employers is the Veterans Administration. The U.S. Air Force is also selective, recruiting registered nurses who have BSNs or are actively pursuing them.

A baccalaureate degree is also desired for positions that involve coordination of services. Case manager and care coordinator are among the roles you might aim for. Some baccalaureate level nurses choose administrative jobs like review nurse or professional development nurse educator.

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RN to BSN Program Tips/Considerations

How involved is the BSN completion process, and how long will it take you? Some courses can be competed in as little as one year. The actual time depends on the policies of the institution and also on you own goals and educational background. Depending on your background, you may be awarded transfer credit directly or asked to take a validation exam. Some schools award a set amount of lower division coursework (generally around thirty semester hours) just for having an RN license. Supporting courses may be evaluated separately.

You have probably already taken composition, psychology, and biology as well as several other general studies courses. You will likely need at least a few more. Supporting courses will vary by institution, but statistics is usually on the required list. Additional requirements may include sociology, computers, and communications.

What if you want to go beyond the basics that have been mandated by the accrediting bodies? Here you will find a lot of options! There may be electives. Most programs are secular, but courses with an integrated religious component are also widely available.

RN to BSN programs are designed for busy career nurses. Upper level nursing courses are available online. In some cases, general studies courses are as well. Registered nurses have already proved their ability to succeed in the healthcare field. GPA requirements are often a bit lower than they are in general BSN programs.

RN to BSN Programs in Mississippi

Alcorn State University

Delta State University

Mississippi College

Mississippi University for Women

University of Southern Mississippi

William Carey College

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